Property Management Services
Over 26 years of experience
Inspections: We ensure the rental unit is rent-ready and will make repair recommendations, as necessary. The property manager will conduct a periodic house inspection to ensure lease compliance and care of the property. The inspection reports are shared on the owner’s portal.
Marketing: We aggressively advertise your rental property across several websites, post a sign on the property, and post the vacancy to our high-traffic rental listings and social media.
Tenant Screening: We conduct rigorous background checks on prospective tenants 18 years and older. Our screening process and guidelines demonstrate to limit default and evictions with your investment property.
Screening involves:
Credit Evictions
Criminal Report
Present Landlord History
Lease agreement: All lease agreements are prepared by a bar-certified attorney.
Rent payments: We enforce the rent collections cycle with a strict yet respectful process to help avoid late payments. Payment is deposited to the owner’s bank account electronically by the 15th of every month; provided tenants pay their rent on time.
Evictions: In the event, an eviction has to be filed due to non-payment of rent, the owner will be contacted. Then, the eviction will be submitted to the attorney for processing. The cost will come out of the tenant’s security deposit. However, if the cost is higher than the funds on the account, the owner will be responsible to pay any outstanding balances. Additionally, the owner will be responsible to bring the house back to a rentable condition.
Lease renewals: We actively help you avoid costly turnover, by actively working to retain tenants with excellent service to proactively renew leases. Currently, we also review market value for your investment and make necessary increases that the market supports to the monthly rental rate.
Move-Outs: When tenants are ready to vacate the premises, we provide them with instructions on the move-out process for a smooth transition. We process notices, conduct the move-out inspection, and manage deposit disbursements.
Owner Portal: Owners have access to their portal 24/7. Owners will be able to view owner statements and detailed accounting of their account as well as, completed work order invoices, house inspections, and any additional shared documents.
Maintenance and work orders: Tenants have access to report any work orders 24/7 through the online tenant portal. We have established relationships with local insured vendors who respond in a timely manner.
For more information and/or inquiries about or Property Management Services, you may contact us at (352) 347-1066.
Professionalism, honesty, integrity, and total customer service satisfaction is our vision.